Herbal Antivirals, 2nd Ed. (CHES)
Natural Remedies for Emerging & Resistant Viral InfectionsThis course is only for CHES practitioners.
New 2nd edition! A very readable and interesting book on natural healing! Viruses are mutating and becoming resistant to antiviral pharmaceuticals. Global crises and pandemics, like Covid-19, are happening faster than we can develop medicines to fight them. One answer used for millennia is to make the person’s immune system stronger and less receptive to catching a virus or using certain herbs to fight the spread and severity of the virus. New content on Covid and immunity herbs.
The book is detailed and technical with 63 pages of Notes and Bibliography as is needed when talking about herbs and health. Extremely timely, readable, and interesting!
24.75 Hour Program I.D. #144228_HA2ED 24.75 Total Hours / 18 MCHES Hours
Book Details
- 24.75 CE Online Test Only: 180327
- 24.75 CE Book & Online Test: 180327