The New Power Eating
This thought-provoking bodybuilding sports book was co-written by Dr. Susan Kleiner, an internationally known researcher and expert on muscle building, hydration, women athletes, and the nutrition and exercise needed to build muscle tissue. The co-authors give the physiology of muscle growth, calorie requirements, precautions, supplements, and guidelines unique to women, various sports, along with food plan samples.
Dr. Kleiner showed me how to focus my food and fully fuel my body. I feel better, play better, and I know I’ll be able to stay in the game longer. - Megan Rapinoe, Member of USA winning Women’s Soccer Team
I have used Dr. Kleiner’s information for years with the athletes I coach. I recommend her book to every high school athlete who reaches out to me. Athletes who want to get a leg up on their competition should study and apply Dr. Kleiner’s principles. Dr. Kleiner is simply the best sports nutritionist the United States has ever produced. - Jed Smith, MS, CSCS, USA Weightlifting National Coach
This will enhance my lectures in nutrition classes, especially when we discuss sports nutrition. MM 2/2021
Very scientifically detailed information!! JS 11/2020
(I liked most) the practical examples of energy nutrients. CO 12/2020
Some of my patients want to lose weight or gain muscle and this book has good information. MAB 11/2020
Book Details
- 15 CE Online Test: 175925
- 25 CE Online Test Only: 175924
- 15 CE Book & Online Test: 175925
- 25 CE Book & Online Test: 175924