How Not to Age (CHES)
The Scientific Approach to Getting Healthier as You Get OlderThis course is only for CHES practitioners.
Getting older doesn’t have to mean getting sicker. Inspired by the dietary and lifestyle patterns of centenarians in the “blue zones,” the author, Michael Greger, MD, condenses the most important evidence-based research on the optimal components of successful aging. There are eleven pathways for aging in our bodies’ cells and we can disrupt each of them through nutrition to delay and maybe reverse malfunction.
His book statements are supported by over 8,359 citations. All the proceeds he receives from his books and speaking are donated to charity.
The book answers the questions:
- What should we do to slow aging and increase our lifespan?
- What is the real reason we should consume more fiber?
- How do you improve eyesight and brain health?
- What are common foods that slow aging?
- What food and oil helps prevent hair loss?
- Is drinking coffee antiaging?
- What can eating an apple a day do for you?
25.25-Hour Program I.D. #114228_HNTA CHES 13.25 Hours / MCHES 12 Hours
Book Details
- 25.25 CE Online Test Only: 182821
- 25.25 CE Book & Online Test: 182821